3 März

Der 21. Mai im San Mama Stadium wird das Football League -Finale veranstalten

The current season of the UEFA Europe League 2024–2025 has already become the fifty -fourth in the history of this prestigious club tournament. The main stage started in September, and this year the number of teams increased from traditional thirty -two to thirty -six, which made it possible for new clubs to prove themselves in the European arena. Last season of the Europa League 2024, the Italian Atalanta was the winner, which in the final in Dublin defeated the German “Bayer” with a score of 3-0. In this success, the key hat was played by the brilliant hat-trick of the striker of Aemola Lukman, who scored on the 12th, 26th and 76th minutes of the match. This was the first European Cup in the history of Atalanta. The club also contains Russian midfielder Miranchuk, for whom this trophy was the first in his European career. He also became the first Russian football player since 2016 to win the European Cup.

the record holder for the number of victories in the tournament is the Spanish Seville, which won the title in 2006, 2007, 2014, 2016, 2016, 2020 and 2023. Interestingly, during the first twenty -five years of the tournament, the winner was determined by the results of two matches. However, since 1998, the final has been held in the format of one match on a neutral field.

of the trophy of the Europa League - this is a silver bowl weighing fifteen kilograms. Nothing can be poured into it, but it is an important symbol of the tournament. The anthem of the Europa League, recorded in the Paris Opera in 2009 under the leadership of the French composer Johann Zweig, sounds before each game of the tournament. He replaced the first hymn, created by hip-hop by producer Michael Kadelbach, in which fans' pops were the main rhythm.

The largest victory in the history of the tournament was won by Ajax, which in 1984 defeated Red Boyz Diffandange with an account of 14: 0. This record was set at a response, after a 0-0 draw in Luxembourg. The most successful series of owners of the trophy boasted “Seville”, which three times in a row became a champion in 2006 and 2007 under the leadership of Juanda Ramos and in 2014 and 2015 with coach Unai Emery. In the season of 2022–2023, Seville won its seventh trophy, beating the Roma in the final of the penalty 4: 1. Since the Bavaria in 1976 for the third time in a row, the Champions Cup won, not a single club managed to win three times in a row in European cup finals.

Belts on The final of the Europa League UEFA 2025 in Bilbao is a unique opportunity to see the best European football clubs in the struggle for a prestigious trophy and support their teams in a decisive match.

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